Sermon Archive
Apostles’ Creed
The Apostles’ creed is a reminder of all the most important aspects of our faith. Christians disagree on many things, but the truths found in the apostles’ creed are the core of what all christians believe and underdtanding them is critical for our discipleship.
Advent 2024: In the Fullness of Time
Jesus Christ is the focal point of all of history and the fulfillment of all of God’s promises. In the fullness of time (meaning “at the right time” and “when the time of waiting was complete”) God sent his Son to save us and prove His faithfulness to us.
Summer in the Psalms 2024
The psalms are the story of God told through the songs of his people. We can draw near to God no matter where we are.
Koinonia Fellowship
How is fellowship described in scripture? How can we obtain the glorious fellowship we see displayed in the early saints? Our fellowship finds its source in the fellowship we share with Christ through his atoning work on the cross and extends to every part of his bride, the church.
John: So That You May Believe
John’s gospel reveals the true nature of Jesus, that he is both human and divine. It is written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Summer in the Psalms 2023
The Psalms teach us to worship God and treasure His word while pointing to the Messiah in hope.
Nehemiah: Rebuild, Restore, Renew
Even before the Israelites were scattered and exiled, God promised that he would restore them. The walls would be rebuilt and the people would be renewed. Through Ezra and Nehemiah He began to fulfill those promises. But more than rebuilding walls and buildings, God planned to restore the spiritual health of His people. This is a promise that can only be completely fulfilled in Jesus.
Treasuring Christ
Why we should treasure Jesus above all else and how will doing so transform us? Our spiritual maturity depends on the way we view Jesus. Is he simply a means to an end? Or is he the ultimate treasure of your heart? We cannot show the Lost the value of Christ if we ourselves do not value him.
“Your power to give a compassionate witness about Jesus to unbelievers will grow in direct proportion to how precious Jesus is to you” –John Piper
Titus: Setting things right
Paul wrote the book of Titus to his young protégé in order to show him how the church should carry itself among the lost world. Titus was to appoint and instruct the elders, teach the people to be disciples who do good works, and insist on the truth of the Gospel.
Ephesians: What is the Purpose of the Church
God tells us in Ephesians that the purpose of the church is to glorify him through the declaration of His gospel to the lost.
Rest: A Series in the Psalms
Our soul rest comes from only one source: trusting in Jesus. Come to him, all who are weary and heavy laden, and he will give you rest for your souls.
Wisdom From Above (James)
James tells us that wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, and open to reason, but what is wisdom for? And how do we get it?
1 John: So That You May Know
In the book of 1 John, John writes, “I write these things so that you may know that you have eternal life.” We do not have to doubt or wonder about our salvation. With the help of the Holy Spirit and the promises of God, we can know that we have eternal life.
God of This City
God is not just the God of the universe or the God of the planet or the God of our country. He is the God of Ukiah and wants to see the lost people of our city saved.
Jesus Is Enough: A Series in Colossians
Jesus is the All-Sufficient Savior who has entrusted us as stewards of the Gospel
Living Hope: A Series in 1 Peter
Our hope is founded in the resurrection of Jesus which has made us alive with Christ
Advent 2020
2020 was a stark reminder that this world is not our home. We are awaiting the return of our savior who will make all things new. Walk with us through Isaiah as we look at God’s promises about the messiah.